Transaction Timeline

  • When a sale agreement is received:

    1. Verify I have all your clients contact information

    2. Create a transaction summary & open escrow

    3. Send opening emails to your client & cooperating agent, introducing myself and delivering the transaction summary

    4. Send the contract to the lender, if our buyer, with a transaction summary

    5. Deliver the property disclosures to the buyers agent (if we are the listing side). Request disclosures if we are the buyers agent.

    6. Input into Paperless Pipeline

    1. Track timelines & completed documents, Earnest Money, property disclosures, inspection deadline, delivery of preliminary title report, appraisal, and maintain paperless file

    2. Home inspection deadline: verify that I have received all the repair addendums, accepted & rejected, and all inspection reports

    3. Verify appraisal has been ordered if not done already

    4. Order home warranty, if needed

    5. Complete & deliver the broker instructions

    6. File check - Paperless Pipeline

    1. One week prior to closing: Request post closing insurance, if needed

    2. 5 days prior to close: Check with all parties - on track to close?

    3. 4 days prior to close: request estimated final settlement statement for review

    4. 3 days prior to closing: Final file check - Paperless Pipeline

    5. Closing Day: track closing; request, if needed, the final settlement & Firpta QS for the file

    1. After verification of closing, change status of listing to sold in MLS & email thank you to all parties

    2. Order sign down, if needed